Vespa Moped Carburetor Cleaning

Vespa moped carburetor cleaning

Here is a short video for Vespa moped carburetor cleaning of a Dellorto SHA 12:10, 12:12 or 13:13.  Most Dellorto SHA carburetors are similar to the Vespa style carburetors, these steps can be used on those as well. The video can be found below, and screenshots are provided if wanting to read and follow along.

Vespa moped carburetor cleaning

Here is the dirty 12:12 Delloroto SHA on my custom Vespa moped build coming soon. The moped was running with the carburetor like this but I wanted to clean it up as I was installing some new parts and tuning the moped.

A tip before starting is to find a clean working surface that if gas or carburetor cleaner splashes, you won’t mind.  I do not recommend cleaning a carburetor on a dining room table or indoors.  The gas and carburetor cleaner will produce fumes.  I used a small portable workbench tabletop like this Keter Folding Compact Workbench and a baking cookie sheet.  It is made of metal and holds up to the gas and cleaner.  It also helps keep the parts together and from rolling off the table or shop gremlins from getting parts.





With an 8 mm socket or wrench, remove the bolt that holds the fuel inlet.  There should be a screen that is used to trap debris when gas is flowing.


Next, remove the two screws holding the fuel bowl onto the carburetor.


After the bowl is removed, remove the brass main jet.



Using something with point and solid, press on one side of the float needle to push it out a bit. Unless the carburetor is really gunked up it should not need much pressure.


Using some needle nose plies, remove the pin completely.  Tip: use your hand to keep the pin from flying out and getting lost.



Take the carburetor cleaner (I use this) attache the supplied straw and spray it through the fuel passage.  Carb cleaner is compressed so be careful it might splashback and into your face/eyes.


Then where the brass jet screws into the carburetor, stick the carb cleaner straw and spray that passageway. With the cleaner spay any dirt or debris around the carburetor to clean hard to reach areas. Spray the brass jet as well to make sure it is not clogged, you may need to replace the jet if the cleaner cannot unblock the jet passage.


Take the bowl and wipe it down with a rag.  Then spray the hard to reach areas with the carburetor cleaner.  Again be careful it will splash back at you.  Wipe it down once again with a rag.


With the cleaner spray the fuel inlet and wipe down it down with a rag.


Then spray the screen clean of any debris that could be blocking fuel flow.  Tip: slide or hold the screen with needle-nose pliers to not get carburetor cleaner on your hands.  The cleaner could irritate your skin.

Finally, reverse the beginning steps to reassemble the carburetor.  Here is the short video of the Vespa moped carburetor cleaning steps in action.



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