MOPED OF THE DAY | KTM Foxi Salzburg


Kavi’s ( KTM Foxi Salzburg it today’s moped of the day.  Her Foxi is one of a kind, or a least a rare moped.  I haven’t seen too many around, and probably none as fast as this one.  Keep a lookout for her at a moped rally, she can usually be found at the front of the pack.

KTM made a line of Foxi Deluxe mopeds from the late ’70s to early ’80s.  The Deluxe mopeds are originally powered by the Sachs 504 50cc engine.  The Deluxe came available in three different trim models.  A base model just labeled as a Deluxe.  The next tier up is the Salzburg, and the final tier is a Baron.  The difference between the Salzburg and Baron are the wheels and some decals.  Baron models have 5 spoke (5 star) mag wheels.

Kavi’s Salzburg is original in appearance minus the OEM rear rack, tall handlebars, and carrying handle.  Foxi Deluxe build and design resembles that of a Puch Maxi.  The frames are similar in design.  Both are step-through stamp steel frames with the gas tank built into it. A KTM Deluxe had an adapter for mounting a Sachs engine, so removing the adapter allows for a seamless engine swap to the Puch 50cc engine.

50cc moped


Spoke wheels | Hutchinson GP1 tires | Rear rack removed | Clubman style handlebars | Purple pedal chain | Gold drive chain | Side covers removed | Everything else is OEM to the KTM Foxi Salzburg.

Some of my favorite features or accessories of the Salzburg compared to a Puch Maxi is the large plush seat with storage underneath it.  The seat fips forward to access large storage underneath it.  Some other moped designs with under-seat storage are not concealed as well. Usually, the storage compartment sticks out and does not blend in well.  I appreciate the rack space on the gas tank, though you can get one for your Maxi now, back then a Maxi didn’t have that rack.  The final feature I thought was cool is the Deluxe had a handle that folds down near the seat on the frame that could be used to carry the moped.  I’m not sure if this was at all useful but appreciate the design thought behind it for its time.

50cc moped


Puch E50 single speed | Estoril side bleed exhaust | Puch E50 Powerdynamo CDI  | Dellorto PHBG black race carburetor | Malossi PHBG 90 air filter | Pirate week Titanium engine bolts | Custom intake | 70cc reed valve kit | High compression head |


    • louhtx 1 September, 2021 at 16:58 Reply

      I wrote an article about moped pricing How much is a moped . It’s going to depend on the condition, market, time of year, the person, how long you will hold out on a price just to name a few. To someone who is eager to get a vintage moped at any cost, it might be worth paying more to them. For someone who wants to flip the bike, it’s going to be less to them. If you want to sell it quickly, set a price, and more than likely a flipper will shoot you an offer. You can accept it for a quick sale or hold out for the person who is willing to pay what you ask.

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1979 Puch Maxi vintage moped

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