MOPED OF THE DAY | General 5 Star TE

General 5 Star TE moped

Moped of the day is a General 5 Star TE Moped built by Jordan (  It started off as a Minarelli V1 powered, step through General 5Star TE. He rebuilt the moped from the ground up and converted it into a toptank moped.  It is a cafe inspired custom moped build.

General 5star moped


Black painted spoke wheels | Hutchinson GP1 tires | EBR chrome forks | Black fork boot covers | Front fender removed | Round headlight with bucket painted to match frame | Low rise handlebars | Metal levers | Metal throttle | Brown grips | Chrome bar ends | Blue painted frame | Chrome rear shocks | Custom seat pan | Custom upholstered brown seat |  Blue and white Honda gas tank |

General 5star moped


Minarelli V1 | Circuit exhaust | Reverse cone exhaust baffle | Cone mesh air filter | Dellorto SHA carburetor |

All images sourced from Jordan’s Instagram account.

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1978 Tomos Bullet A3

MOPED OF THE DAY | 1978 Tomos Bullet A3

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