Garelli Europed NLX | MOPED OF THE DAY

Garelli Europed NLX

I don’t find a lot of Garelli Moped models that catch my eye.  This Garelli Europed NLX was posted or shared on the Lovers of Garelli Facebook group.  I can relate with someone who puts a lot of detail into their moped restoration.

When building, don’t forget about repurposing parts intended for a bicycle.  After all, some of the parts used on mopeds are interchangeable with a bicycle.  I bring this up because I appreciate how colored cable housing was used for the brake cables and whatnot.  I did this for the Vespa Ciao I built for my wife.  I used a mountain bike, colored cable pack and never had any issues with them.  They are strong enough and might snap before those made for mopeds but years of use later they haven’t yet.

Enough of my rant, enjoy the gallery of the Europed.  Comment on your favorite detail in this build.

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