Doniselli Folding Moped | MOPED OF THE DAY

Doniselli Mini Kid Folding Moped

Check out this Doniselli Folding Moped.  It may also be a Gloria Mini Kid folding moped, but to me, the frame looks similar to the Doniselli.  Either way, they are both so similar. They are Morini Franco Motori two-stroke powered folding mini mopeds.  Below is a photo of Muhammad Ali riding one.  According to the IG post, he used to ride his Doniselli to his workouts every day.

This one belongs to Nick or the Cream City Cranks.  He’s built it up with a few crank performance parts.  Check out his unique build and you can see more on his IG Nick’s IG.

Doniselli Folding Moped Appearance

Mini snowflake mags from some other mini moped | BMX stem and handlebars | Windshield | Long seat | Custom tail light |



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Morini Franco Motori engine | 60cc euro kit | treats two-pedal CNC reed block | custom 89mm crank pipe | crank intake | Delorto PHBG 21mm carburetor | crank velocity stack | piecard ignition |


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